Version 1.2 released!

This is our biggest release to date, with several new story events, and a grand total of 18 repeatable events containing more than a hundred possible scenes, and 2,500+ images. We've also taken on board some feedback regarding the game's navigation, and added a school map that allows you to move around inside the school much more quickly. Amara gets that when she completes her Week 1 orientation. This version should hopefully keep folks busy for the next little bit: there's a lot of new content to explore! 

Version 1.3 Delay: One reason we're shipping a little early this month is to get a lot of new stuff in players hands before I start an extensive amount of traveling for work in August, followed by vacation later in the month with Honorable Waifu. Version 1.3 will likely be 1) pretty small, and 2) delayed to mid-September.

What's Coming: I am working on the iFuq repeatable events for the second group of girls, as well as expanding some of Amara's iFuq events. It is unlikely we will ship all six of the Group 2 girls' iFuq events at the same time. There's a lot of writing I have to do for those. It seems likely we'll release two or three girls at a time, hopefully starting in 1.3, but may be delayed to 1.4. However, I already have several new story events written and in the can, so there will definitely be new story content in 1.3, have no fear!


Remember, if you have problems / questions / suggestions, we'd love to see you on Discord:

Files 1.4 GB
Version 4 Jul 27, 2024 1.3 GB
Version 4 Jul 27, 2024

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